Public Reports
Aligning For Student Success: Integrated Guidance For Six ODE Initiatives
In an attempt to create a more streamlined process for applications, reports, etc. for districts, ODE has melded 6 programs with common goals into a single application process. These programs include High School Success (HSS), Student Investment Account (SIA), Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Every Day Matters (EDM) and the Early Indicator Intervention Systems (EIIS).
- 2025-27 Integrated Application Presentation to Governing Board
- Click here to see a public presentation of Scio School District’s draft plan presented at the February School Board of Director’s meeting.
- Proposed draft Scio School District integrated guidance application (to be presented for approval at the March Board of Director’s meeting).
- Proposed draft Scio School District integrated planning and budget (to be presented for approval at the March Board of Director’s meeting).
- Click here to provide written public comment regarding the Integrated Guidance plan.
Division 22 Assurances
As required by OAR 581-022-2305 Compliance and Reporting on Standards, all Oregon school districts must report to their respective communities as to the district’s status with regards to the state standards.
Student Investment Account SIA Plan
During the 2019 legislative session, Oregon’s leaders made a real commitment to our children, our educators, our schools and our state with the passage of the Student Success Act. When fully implemented, the Student Success Act is expected to invest $2 billion in Oregon education every two years; that’s a $1 billion investment in early learning and K-12 education each year. Of those funds, $200 million goes into the State School Fund and the remaining is distributed into three accounts: the Early Learning Account, the Student Investment Account and the Statewide Education Initiatives Account. Below you will find a link to our Student Investment Account Plan. Updates to the plan will continue to be posted on this page.
- 2023-2024 Student Investment Account Annual Report (reviewed by Board of Directors 11/20/2024)
- 2023-2024 State of Oregon Grant Agreement- Student Success Act- Student Investment Account
- 2022-2023 Student Investment Account Annual Report (reviewed by Board of Directors 11/16/2023)
- 2022-2023 State of Oregon Grant Agreement- Student Success Act- Student Investment Account
- 2021-2022 Student Investment Account Annual Report (reviewed by Board of Directors on 11/17/2022)
- 2021-2022 State of Oregon Grant Agreement- Student Success Act- Student Investment Account
- 2021-2022 Student Investment Account Budget Update
Scio School District ESSER III Integrated Planning Tool and District Plan
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021. The ARP Act includes nearly $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Fund that allows state and local education agencies to take additional steps to safely reopen schools for in-person instruction and keep them open, and to address disruptions to teaching and learning resulting from the pandemic. Below is our district’s budget and plan on the allocation we received from this funding.
English Learners in Oregon Annual Report
ORS 327.016 directs the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to prepare this annual report on English learner program funding and student outcomes for the state. The report’s intention is to describe the population of English Learners in Oregon and provide a summary of district and state progress towards meeting their needs and objectives