Online Meetings
How to Join an Online Meeting
Scio School District utilizes online meetings through “Google Meet.”
For information on how to join a Google Meet session, please see the following article:
PLEASE NOTE: Upon joining a meeting, you may be placed in a waiting room until the meeting starts and a moderator will let you in. Your microphone may be disabled by default upon entering meeting.
Meeting Link
You will be given the link to the online meeting by clicking “I ACCEPT” to the terms below:
- Please be thoughtful about the comments you put in the chat.
- Please keep your microphone muted when you are not speaking.
- Please only put important/pressing comments or questions in the chat box.
- Use the “raise hand” feature (lower-right corner of your screen) so the speaker can call on you.
- If you are experiencing a problem, call our meeting text support (503) 394- 8065
- You can also email questions during the meeting to