Updated 2020-2021 Reopening Plans Added
On August 12, 2020 the Scio School Board of Directors reviewed and approved the 2020-2021 Scio School District building Operational Blueprints for Reentry. A new menu tab has been added to the top of our website. This new menu tab is titled “COVID-19 Updates.” The approved plans have been posted under this menu, along with a reopening status and a frequently asked questions page. Each of these pages will be updated regularly. Additional pages will be added to this menu once new information is available. Please refer back to this location often to learn about the newest up to date information regarding our plans for the 2020-2021 school year.
A letter will be mailed home to our families previously enrolled in our schools this week. This letter will include information regarding the opening of online registration on next Monday, August 17th as well as other reopening information. You can preview the letter here.
We truly appreciate everyone’s willingness to work with us on our plans. The feedback received from our community, parents, and staff has been extremely helpful. We can’t say enough about the patience and grace we have received from everyone as we try to navigate these ever changing times. We are proud to work in a community that is so supportive of education and our schools.